Our annual appeal runs through january – support up today!

“Our Time” Music Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e09HE99DWcStudents from around Vermont created an original song to capture their vision of education and learning at its best. This was then performed by elementary through high school age students […]

Next Gen Credentials and Flexible Learning Pathways

From the introduction of this article: “The new world of work demands not only academic knowledge and skills but also transferable skills such as communications, creativity, and collaboration—skills that are […]

Podcast: InstructureCast

“InstructureCast is the podcast where we open the doors to a world of educational marvels. Formerly known as Canvascasters, we’ve embraced the bigger picture to include Instructure’s dynamic portrait of […]

Public Understanding and Support Rubric

This rubric spells out the process of shifting our stakeholders’ mental models of education and learning to align with school redesign efforts. It should be used to: 1. Assess a […]