Our annual appeal runs through january – support up today!


Our Programs

UP for Learning can help you create authentic opportunities to position youth as change agents in partnership with adults.

UP has demonstrated that regardless of the learning environment (in-person, hybrid or remote), we can support educational communities in reimagining an education that is just and equitable. UP for Learning is uniquely well-positioned to ensure that youth are empowered to take control of their lives and their learning. We are a nimble organization and have always been responsive to our school and community teams in reimagining education.

Across all of UP’s programs, youth leaders guide Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) projects inquiring into the issues that affect students and learning, gathering and analyzing data to identify priorities, sharing those priorities and engaging the community – youth and adults – in dialogue to build shared understanding and ownership for the path forward.

Youth and Adults Transforming Schools Together

YOUTH AND ADULTS TRANSFORMING SCHOOLS TOGETHER fosters engagement in learning by increasing rigor, relevance, relationships, and shared responsibility (the 4 “Rs”). Based on the 4Rs framework, student and teacher teams use Youth Participatory Action Research to understand issues that impact learning from multiple perspectives and then become agents of change.

Restorative Practices

RESTORATIVE PRACTICES employ a strengths-based approach to form stronger relationships and realize greater equity in education. When implemented holistically, restorative practices help develop a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and valued and relationships become the cornerstone of the community.

Personal Power & Community Connections

PERSONAL POWER & COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS provides upper elementary and middle school youth and adults with the structure to explore individual values and strengths, build caring and collaborative relationships and positively impact the school and local community. Self-awareness, empowerment, and empathy-building are primary goals of P2C2.

Getting to ‘Y’

GETTING TO ‘Y’ is an opportunity for students to take a lead in bringing meaning to their own Youth Risk Behavior Survey data. They identify strengths and concerns, host a community dialogue event to solicit adult perspectives, and identify a priority action as the focus of their subsequent change efforts.

Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability

CULTIVATING PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABILITY (CPS) is a partnership between Shelburne Farms and UP for Learning . Youth-Adult teams from will spend a year together connecting the promising efforts of Act 77 — personalized learning, flexible pathways to graduation — to that of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. School teams will link what is going on inside their schools to larger efforts underway, toward making a positive difference in the world.

Customized Projects & Support

UP for Learning can help you create authentic opportunities to position youth as change agents in partnership with adults.

UP for Learning by the Numbers

0 %

VT High Schools that have participated in UP Programs


States/nations with teams working with UP

0 %
Vermont schools hosting UP initiatives over multiple years
0 %

Vermont schools hosting more than one UP initiative


Youth who have taken on active leadership roles in UP Programs since 2008


Number of youth-adult teams in schools since 2008

Contact us for more information on programming