Empowering youth & adults to reimagine & transform education together!
Empowering youth & adults to reimagine & transform education together!
Empowering youth & adults to reimagine & transform education together!
Empowering youth & adults to reimagine & transform education together!
Beattie, H. M., FitzGerald, C. A., Koller, S. N., Scott, K. S., Garnett, B. R., & Holmes, B. (2021). Impact of Engaging Students in Health Survey Data Analysis and as Full Partners in School Change: Results From a Mixed Methods Study. Health Promotion Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248399211048461
Connect (#241; February 2020)
Connect is edited and published by: Roger Holdsworth (with support from the Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne) Victoria, Australia (p. 27)
Beattie, Helen. (2019). The teeter-totter effect: How to avoid a common pitfall of learner-centered transformation. Education ReImagined Voices from the Field.
Connect (#240; December 2019)
Connect is edited and published by: Roger Holdsworth (with support from the Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne) Victoria, Australia (p. 27)
Bernice Garnett MPH, ScD, Helen Beattie, EdD, Sharon Koller, MS, Mika Moore, MA, Karen Scott, MEd, Michelle Maseroni, BS, Breena Holmes, MD (2019).
Participatory Survey Data Analysis as Catalyst for Empowering Youth as School Health Change Agents. Health Promotion Practice Journal, July 2019 Vol. 20, No. (4) 483-488
Connect (#233; December 2018)
Connect is edited and published by: Roger Holdsworth (with support from the Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne) Victoria, Australia (pp. 25-26)
Connect (#234; December 2018)
Connect is edited and published by: Roger Holdsworth (with support from the Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne) Victoria, Australia (pp. 29-32)
Connect (#231-232; June-August 2018)
Connect is edited and published by: Roger Holdsworth (with support from the Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne) Victoria, Australia (pp. 29-32)
Beattie, Helen., Rich, Martha. (2018). Youth-Adult Partnership: The Keystone to Transformation. Education Reimagined Pioneering Magazine.
Cook-Sather, A. & Beattie, H. (2018). Strengthening Student Voice Work through “Linking Across the Lines”: A Story in Snapshots. International Journal of Student Voice, 3 (2).
Beattie, Helen., Rich, Martha., Evans, Peter. (2015). A Case for the Missing R. Educational Leadership. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Beattie, Helen. (2012). Amplifying student voice: the missing link in school transformation. Management in Education 26:158
Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements. Erubey Lopez, November 2019
Proficiency-Based Learning (PBL): The Next Step. This is written by the Brattleboro (VT) High School YATST Team, 2019.
Conner, Jerusha, Mitra, Dana, & Holquist, Samantha. (2022). From Student Experience to Student Voice. Gates Foundation.
Benner, M., Brown, C., & Jeffrey, A. (2019). Elevating student voice in education. Center for American Progress.
Catherine Gewertz (2016). VT High School Takes Student Voice to Heart. Education Week.
Finley, Jason (2016). The Equity Traps within Act 77 Flexible Pathways and Personalized Learning Plans. UP for Learning is featured on Page 2
Press Release (2016). Helen Beattie Recieves Educational Champion Award. Vermont Digger
Redesigning Education in Vermont: Part 1 (2016) WCAX :30 – an interview UP for Learning Executive Director Helen Beattie and Harwood Union High School co-principal Amy Rex
Redesigning Education in Vermont: Part 2 (2016) WCAX :30 – an interview Harwood Union High School senior, Anneka Williams and teacher Ellen Berrings reflect on their experiences about how the new approach to learning and teaching is impacting them.
Demarest Amy. (2015). Placed based curriculum design: exceeding standards through local investigation. Taylor & Francis. p.163
Dzur, Albert. (2014). Trench Democracy in Schools #2: An interview with Helen Beattie. Boston Review
Dzur, Albert. (July 2014). Democracy in Schools 2: A conversation with Helen Beattie. The Good Society
Jickling, Katie. (June 2014). State Launches Campaign to Promote New Learning Opportunities for Students. VT Digger.
Hazen Union’s Shaping Our Future Together OpEd’s discussing components of Act 77 Flexible Pathways
“Our Voices, Our Community” (2004) is a leadership guide for young people. Developed by the Vermont Children’s Forum and the Vermont Rural Partnership.
Baege, M. (2006). “Our Voices, Our Community” Evaluation Report
“Lights, Camera…Leadership Curriculum Guide” (2005) focuses on helping young people develop skills in communication, reasoning and problem-solving, personal development, civic responsibility, and academic mastery. Developed by Helen Beattie, Ed.D.
Koliba, C. (2007). “Lights, Camera …. Leadership” Evaluation Report.
At UP for Learning, we believe we all must play our part in uprooting and rebuilding the systems behind inequities.
For our part, we commit to continuing our work to become an inclusive, anti-racist organization and community. We commit to continuing to listen, change and grow.
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