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Graduate Courses & Professional Learning

Graduate courses and professional learning opportunities are designed to provide participants with further information around an UP Program’s core concepts.

In addition to deepening knowledge, the courses provide opportunities for individuals to reinforce the principles introduced into their own professional practices and to share their insights, learning, methods, and growth from this work with others.

This plants the seeds to establish school-wide understanding and practices, the beginning of transformation, and to prepare for future work. For most courses, enrollment in an UP Program is a requirement.

For 2021-2022, the costs for courses and professional learning is as follows:
Completed graduate or undergraduate course earning 3 credits through our partner Southern New Hampshire University


Same completed course without credit for 40-45 professional learning hours


Completed graduate or undergraduate course earning 1 credit through our partner SNHU


Same completed course without credit for 15 professional learning hours



UP’s professional learning and graduate courses are an opportunity for participants to be a part of a learning experience through online (Google Classroom), in-person, and virtual live sessions. Each course builds upon and deepens the work of the aligned programinitiative. Courses are also intended to be a Professional Learning Community (PLC) where individual work and growth is amplified through collaborative effort.

In many cases, a course also provides time and space for work to support youth partners in a program.

During in-person meetings the course participants will meet together as a professional learning community to provide the opportunity to:

  • Gain an understanding of the program as a whole.
  • Engage in problem solving with shared implementation challenges.
  • Further explore strategies as a learning community.
  • Develop ideas and plans for sharing their work, growth, and ideas with colleagues.

As part of the work for the course, participants will review materials as well as read core texts. Participants will also explore additional articles and resources, be asked to reflect on and share the impact these have on your professional practices/approach to teaching, and comment on the reflections of others in the PLC. This will optimize the community of committed educators who are engaged in this work. The site will also house a rich compendium of supplemental resources.

Within the classroom, course participants will:

  • Reflect on their learning and shifts in their professional practices.
  • Identify and discuss the impact of these shifts on the learning of youth with whom they work.
  • Reflect on what others are learning and practicing.
  • Discuss problem solving, in particular around implementation and work to establish school-wide understanding and practices.
  • Document and share effective strategies.
Personal Power & Community Connections
What are the components of the Personal Power & Community Connections Professional Learning Community?

The components of the Personal Power & Community Connections PLC include:

  • A comprehensive guide of suggested lessons, activities, and classroom structures to facilitate student learning experiences.
  • A vital professional learning community of all adults involved in this work. Monthly (or bi-monthly) afternoon class meetings on your school campus with your colleagues and UP facilitators.
  • Quality training and support, including on and off-site consultation and coaching.


Contact Sarah Popowicz,

Email: [email protected]

UP phone: 802-552-8140

Transforming School Culture through Restorative Practices

The central goal of this course is to shift the culture of the school through the use of restorative practices. In order for this shift to occur, youth and adults must be at the table in a true partnership. This learning community is unique in that youth will sit side-by-side with adults as they work together to craft and implement a culture shift in their schools that supports equitable opportunities, engagement, and empowerment.  Schools at all phases of implementation, learning and growth will be supported through this process.


Contact Emily Rossier, 

Email: [email protected]

UP phone: 802-552-8140