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Youth and Adults Transforming Schools Together

YOUTH AND ADULTS TRANSFORMING SCHOOLS TOGETHER (YATST) fosters engagement in learning by increasing rigor, relevance, relationships, and shared responsibility (4Rs). Based on the 4Rs framework, student and teacher teams use Participatory Action Research to understand issues that impact learning from multiple perspectives and then become agents of change.

Today’s workforce demands different skills and knowledge than were needed in the past.

By bringing youth and adults together to elevate youth voice and youth-adult partnership in learning and decision-making, we can deliver on deep, powerful learning.


YATST fosters engagement in learning by increasing rigor, relevance, relationships, and shared responsibility (the 4 “Rs”) in educational settings. This is the research-based framework for learning, engagement, and school transformation.

Schools are supported through high-impact facilitation on-site and off-site coaching, facilitation training, resource development, documentation and evaluation, and development of a professional learning community.

Why do we do ACTION research?

In YATST, we use Participatory ACTION Research (PAR) to understand issues that we care about from multiple perspectives. Through PAR, we gather insight and ideas from others that are interested in the same issue and invite them to participate in what we care about.

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