Student teams from Plymouth and Newfound High Schools gathered this past week at the Common Man Inn and Spa in Plymouth, New Hampshire in order to take part in Getting to “Y” training. The event was organized in partnership with the Central New Hampshire Communities for Alcohol- and Drug-free Youth coalition (CADY), and was the first time that UP for Learning hosted a Getting to “Y” training for New Hampshire youth!
The four student teams spent the day brainstorming their communities’ strengths and analyzing data from their own schools’ 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. They narrowed down what they see as central concerns about student behavior, and began planning how to share this information with their school communities, as well as how they might take action to address their concerns later in the year. Students also took away some fun icebreaker and energizer activities that they can use when they host their community dialogue events.
Getting to “Y” Coordinator Sharon Koller, Associate Christie Howell, and Youth Facilitator Layliana Benjamin were excited to launch the program in New Hampshire, and to see the student teams so engaged in this important work.