Student Council Retreat
U32 High SchoolU32 Middle/High School Student Council will work with UP to better understand the WHY, WHAT and HOW of being leaders and facilitating with a peer group at their own school. This is their third retreat.
U32 Middle/High School Student Council will work with UP to better understand the WHY, WHAT and HOW of being leaders and facilitating with a peer group at their own school. This is their third retreat.
Metheun (MA) School District will work with 5 schools on a Youth Participatory Action Research Project with a large youth-adult team. This is their second retreat.
U32 Middle/High School Student Council will work with UP to better understand the WHY, WHAT and HOW of being leaders and facilitating with a peer group at their own school. This is their fourthretreat.
Leland and Grey MS and HS students explore YPAR and Restorative Practices and how to use them to improve their school community.
Leland and Grey MS and HS students explore YPAR and Restorative Practices and how to use them to improve their school community.