Our annual appeal runs through january – support up today!

Equity Design Team

Lamoille North Supervisory Union

Lamoille North School District's Equity Design Team will hold their first retreat, looking at data and designing action plans.

Student Voice Advisory Retreat

Brandywine School District's middle and high school Student Voice Advisories come together to explore their next steps.

Youth Leadership Training

Maple Run USD

Maple Run and UP for Learning partner in the work by guiding and supporting our shared mission: to elevate youth voice, foster youth agency and build a culture of youth-adult partnership - all in service to an equitable and engaged learning community.

Equity Design Team

Lamoille North Supervisory Union

Lamoille North School District's Equity Design Team will hold their second retreat, looking at data and designing action plans.


Leland and Gray Middle and High School Thetford, VT

Leland and Grey MS and HS students explore YPAR and Restorative Practices and how to use them to improve their school community.

District P2C2 Kick Off

Lamoille North Supervisory Union

Lamoille North School District elementary schools will gather for the kick off to their P2C2 projects.

Student Council Retreat

U32 High School

U32 Middle/High School Student Council will work with UP to better understand the WHY, WHAT and HOW of being leaders and facilitating with a peer group at their own school. This is their second retreat.

Retreat: Amplifying Student Voice

Hampton Inn Event Center, Colchester, VT

Colchester High School Social Justice/Clubs will have three full day retreat for students that are a part of the Social Justice Alliances and other youth organizations to build their capacity as leaders and facilitators of change, develop clear youth participatory action research projects, and advance the needed actions to bring about these changes.