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Youth Voice and School Safety

In 2024, UP for Learning worked with the Vermont Agency of Education and Department of Public Safety to bring the voices, experiences, and perspectives of Vermont youth into policy conversations about school safety and security. This project consisted of eight youth led dialogue events for youth in grades 6–12, as well as a survey taken by students in grades 9–12 across Vermont. Here are the findings.

Throughout every stage of this project youth have led the way. From the design of the dialogues to the analysis of the data, youth were

Throughout every stage of this project youth have led the way. From the design of the dialogues to the analysis of the data, youth were

Throughout every stage of this project youth have led the way. From the design of the dialogues to the analysis of the data, youth were

  By Jacoby Soter, UP Youth Program Specialist The Vermont Governor’s School Safety Conference convened for its annual fall conference on Monday, September 30th, and

In recent weeks, UP for Learning Program Directors and Youth Program Specialists have facilitated a series of dialogues on School Safety for Vermont’s middle and

Make your voice heard and join your peers in sharing your experiences around school safety! SPACE IS LIMITED! RSVP HERE What does safety mean to