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P2C2 Retreats

Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union

UP will work with four elementary schools in the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union on using data to better understand their school climate and culture and take action to change the items of greatest concern. There are three retreats - this morning UP will be in West Rutland and this afternoon in Proctor.

P2C2 Retreats

Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union

UP will work with four elementary schools in the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union on using data to better understand their school climate and culture and take action to change the items of greatest concern. There are three retreats - this morning UP will be in Wells Village and this afternoon in Middletown Springs.

P2C2 Retreats

Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union

UP will work with four elementary schools in the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union on using data to better understand their school climate and culture and take action to change the items of greatest concern. There are three retreats - this morning UP will be in West Rutland and this afternoon in Proctor.

P2C2 Retreats

Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union

UP will work with four elementary schools in the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union on using data to better understand their school climate and culture and take action to change the items of greatest concern. There are three retreats - this morning UP will be in Wells Village and this afternoon in Middletown Springs.